Efficient Impeller for Blending Medium-Viscous Media
From EKATO developed impeller with special blade: One inner blade and the two-stage outer blade in the same radial plane but with opposing blade angles. This impeller is mainly used for homogenization in medium viscous areas. Large mass transfer coefficients during surface gassing can be achieved due to this mixing setup.

The EKATO development INTERMIG is a predominantly axial-pumping impeller that comprises several stages arranged on top of one another and each staggered by 90° angles. A typical layout has two stages and two flow-directing elements. The decisive difference between the EKATO INTERMIG and other mixing systems is the arrangement of the two blades: the inner blade and the two-stage outer blade in the same radial plane but with opposing blade angles. This generates a primary axial pumping flow in opposing directions in the inner and outer sections. Owing to this effect, the INTERMIG is very suitable for blending in the medium-viscosity range. It also provides large mass transfer coefficients during surface gassing.